Literature in the Common Schools

Literature in the Common Schools

Esmakordselt avaldatud: 1908
Title: Literature in the Common Schools. Author: John Harrington Cox. Format: Hardcover. Pages: 218. Publication Date: 1908.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
Literature in the Common Schools. Front Cover. John Harrington Cox. Little, Brown, 1908 - Children's literature - 249 pages ...
Bibliographic information ; Author, John Harrington Cox ; Publisher, Little, Brown, 1908 ; Original from, the University of California ; Digitized, Dec 6, 2007.
Based on: LITERATURE IN THE COMMON SCHOOLS. By Cox John Harrington. West Virginia University. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. Cloth. 227 pp. Volume 69, Issue 2.
Autor, John Harrington Cox ; Editor, Little, Brown,, 1908 ; Procedencia del original, Universidad de Harvard ; Digitalizado, 17 Abr. 2007 ; Largo, 227 páginas.
BOOK REVIEWS. Literature in the Common Schools. By JOHN HARRINGTON C. Little, Brown & Co., I908. Pp. viii+227. $0.90. Our first impression of this book was ...
LITERATURE IN THE COMMON SCHOOLS. By. John Harrington Cox, West Virginia University. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. Cloth. 227 pp. There is a warm welcome for ...
Literature in the Common Schools (Classic Reprint) by John Harrington Cox Paperback, 242 Pages, Published 2017 by Forgotten Books ISBN-13: 978-1-331-27081-2 ...
20. veebr 2024 · John Harrington Cox (May 27, 1863 - November 21, 1945) was one of the pioneers in the field of American folk song scholarship.
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