... Kadrioru Saksa Gümnaasium , 5. klass Peab valdama eesti keelt . Eesti keele etteütlus , matemaatika test . individuaaltunnid Klassi kordamine või peab individuaaltunnid või valdama eesti keelt . Peab suutma suhelda eesti keeles ...
... Kadrioru Saksa Gümnaasium ; 1990-2000 TÜ , saksa keel ja kirjandus Keeled : eesti , saksa , vene , inglise , soome Täienduskoolitus : 1993 Deutsche Welle TV , telepraktika ( Köln , Saksamaa ) ; 1993 Saksa ajakirjanduskool Henri - Nannen ...
But is this the case across diverse languages? And are some sensory modalities perhaps more concrete than others? This volume presents critical new data on perception metaphors from over 40 languages, including many which are under-studied.
This book demonstrates that the acquisition of any mother tongue is explained by the application of various reformulation procedures between source predications and reformulated predications.
Organized in six parts (Childhood; Youth; Early Marriage and Bachelorhood; Teaching and Work; Fiction; Politics, Religion, Movies, Books, Cities; The Style of Middle Age) Getting Personal tells two stories: the development of Lopate's ...