Päring inauthor: William Shakespeare saidilt
Sir John Young Walker MacAlister, Alfred William Pollard, Ronald Brunlees McKerrow, Sir Frank Chalton Francis. Percy , W. , publication of ... Shakespeare's time , extant in author's auto- graph , 202 sq . Plomer , H. R. , on Some Eliza- ...
Päring inauthor: William Shakespeare saidilt
... in “<author>William Shakespeare</author>”, “author” is the container element. XML child content. Material included in an XML container element. “William Shakespeare” in the XML container element example. Volume 3 Glossary 789.
Päring inauthor: William Shakespeare saidilt
... IN Author firstname : William lastname : Shakespeare WROTE_PLAY year : 1610 WROTE_PLAY year : 1599 Play Play title : The Tempest title : Julius Caesar PRODUCTION_OF Production name : The Tempest PRODUCED PRODUCED Company name : RSC ...
Päring inauthor: William Shakespeare saidilt
... of Shakespeare have only the inherited wis- dom of their scholarly forebears to cherish. While Malone's chronology remains mostly intact to this day in author- itative Shakespeare editions and criticism, Q in his general introduction to ...
Päring inauthor: William Shakespeare saidilt
... Shakespeare , William 1623 Folio , 117 as collaborator , 207 as reviser , 41 , 42 , 203 , 203–4 , 204 characterization , 87 coat of arms , 17 collaboration with ... of , 134 Jonson as author , 151 , 155 manuscript of , 232 Index.
Päring inauthor: William Shakespeare saidilt
... author dictionaries because it appears to satisfy general needs of Shakespeare scholars. This structure of a set of concordances for every single Shakespeare's work was a major step forward in author lexicography, because the compiler ...
Päring inauthor: William Shakespeare saidilt
... of the of Corpus Christi College , Oxon , of 1558 , who accomplished ... Shakespeare's Boase's Register of University of Oxford , ' education Thomas ... in author's ' Life of William Shakespeare , ' which the tenure of Mr. W. R. ...