Sünnipäev ja -koht: 23. mai 1810, London, Suurbritannia
Surmakuupäev ja -koht: 22. oktoober 1855, London, Suurbritannia
Vanavanemad: Sir William Molesworth, 6th Baronet, Patrick Brown ja Caroline Treby Ourry
Vanavanavanemad: Charity Treby, Frances Smyth, Paul Henry Ourry ja rohkem
Autasud: Londoni Kuningliku Seltsi liige
Eelmine ametikoht: Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom (1832–1841)
Thome Hobbes
Selected Speeches on Questions Relating to Colonial Policy: Edited, with an Introd. by Hugh Edward Egerton
Speech of Sir William Molesworth, Bart on Transportation - Scholar's Choice Edition
Notices of the Late Sir W. Moleswoth, Bart. [Compiled by T. W.]
A Dialogue Between Timothy and Philatheus: In which the Principles and Projects of a Late Whimsical Book, Intituled: The Rights of the Christian Church, &c., are Fairly Stated, and Answered in Their Kind, and Some Attempts Made Towards the Discovery of a New Way of Reasoning, Intirely Unknown Both to the Ancient and Modern
The Examiner ..., Volume 3
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