Sent by his employer to a remote Alaskan town during the holiday season, Galen finds himself unexpectedly attracted to Ellie Springer, who along with the local villagers is trying to keep Galen's oil company out of their community.
Interwoven with this modern-day suspense is the story of Tobias Garlande, a scholar living during the First Crusade. Burdened with terrifying visions of future tragedies, Tobias is the first Keeper.
Flash Fiction Friday is a monthly radio program aired on WUWM's Lake Effect in Milwaukee, WI. Each month host Robert Vaughan selects local writers who come in, do a quick flash interview and read their flash fiction piece on the air.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.
The Masada Scroll is the story of the new Apostles who struggle to bring the simple message of Jesus back into a world desperate for joy. The Masada Scroll is a tale of the timeless quest for spiritual truth and redemption.