... in- author has carefully avoided giving that degree of promi- volving his character in obscurity . People read The Let - nence to any painful circumstance in the poet's life , which ters ' with ' The Task ' in their recollection , ( and ...
... Robert E. Hall Chosen as the Sergeant Major of the Army , " Army Times , 27 Oct 97 , p . 3 . 135. U.S. Army News ... in author's files , CMH . Sgt . Maj . Ed Akacki , the NCO in charge of protocol for the Army Staff , got the idea ...
... Robert E. Hall Chosen as the Sergeant Major of the Army , " Army Times , 27 Oct 97 , p . 3 . 135. U.S. Army News ... in author's files , CMH . Sgt . Maj . Ed Akacki , the NCO in charge of protocol for the Army Staff , got the idea ...
... in author's possession ; letters from Dr. Robert Hall , the 23d's regimental surgeon during the war ; and the author's personal experience as a battal- ion commander in Korea in 1980-81 . 8. Heat tablets , intended for heating canned ...
Essays in Honor of Sheldon Hackney Raymond Arsenault. 18 Rob Hall to CVW , July 23 , 1938 , July 30 , 1938 ; Hall to ... in author's possession ; Ira DeA . Reid , “ The White Primary , ” July 1946 , Grace Towns Hamilton Papers ...
... Robert E. Hall Chosen as the Sergeant Major of the Army , ” Army Times , 27 Oct 97 , p . 3 . 135. U.S. Army News ... in author's files , CMH . Sgt . Maj . Ed Akacki , the NCO in charge of protocol for the Army Staff , got the idea ...
... in- author has consecrated his talents . His eloquence is of the highest ... Robert Hall will be placed by pos- powerfully assisted by the productions of ... University of Pennsylvania and Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church ...
... Rob Hall interview with author ; Schrecker , No Ivory Tower , pp . 28 , 65 . 8. Robert Cohen , " Revolt of the Depression Generation , " pp . 93-122 . 9. Ibid . , p . 120 . 10. College Topics , 18 May , 22 May 1934 , 26 November 1935 ; ...
... Robert E. “ Bob ” Hall , interview by author , May 31 , 2010 , Houston , Texas ; Cox , Yarborough , chaps . 6–7 ... in author's possession ) . 63. R. R. Grovey , “ Negro Leader Tells Why He's for Shivers , ” July 21 , 1954 ...