Päring inauthor:"Horace" saidilt
The Satires of Horace offer a hodgepodge of genres and styles: philosophy and bawdry; fantastic tales and novelistic vignettes; portraits of the poet, his contemporaries, and his predecessors; jibes, dialogue, travelogue, rants, and recipes ...
Päring inauthor:"Horace" saidilt
Edition bilingue : latin-français
Päring inauthor:"Horace" saidilt
Amongst his other works are The Art of Poetry an Epistle to the Pisos (1680), The Satires, Epistles, and Art of Poetry (1966), The Odes and Carmen Saeculare of Horace and The Works of Horace.
Päring inauthor:"Horace" saidilt
Charming, shrewd, and intimate, the voice of the Odes is that of a sociable wise man talking amusingly but candidly to admiring friends. This edition is also notable for Slavitt's extensive notes and commentary about the art of translation.
Päring inauthor:"Horace" saidilt
This volume constitutes the first substantial commentary for a generation on this book, and presents Horace's poems for a new cohort of modern students and scholars.