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Päring W4IC saidilt
... W4IC 811 YU3EY 706 PA VB 1368 . W8LY 1107 WOAUB 949 WA6TAX 811 W6NJU 705 UA3FT 1358 . W4CRW 1100 YU1AG 938 WOSD 807 W9ZTD 610 WB8ZRV 605 14BFY S.S.B. 600 .WB9CGL 1555 W4UG 1107 ZL3NS 923 ..CT1PK 783 K8SQE 653 14LCK 1547 F9RM 1100 K2VV ...
Päring W4IC saidilt
... W4IC 850 WOAUB 785 WA6EPQ 713 VE3GCO 1030 W6TCQ 904 W4BYU 824 K6DSR 789 PAOVB 706 W8LY 986 YU1AG 896 WB4KZG 820 SM7TV 752 W6NJU 706 W2NUT 982 K1SHN 893 W9WHM 811 K2ZRO 751 WA2EAH 700 W3PVZ 970 DL1MD 892 G3DO 810 K8UDJ 750 W9ZTD 700 ...
Päring W4IC saidilt
... W4IC Do ... W4CJ Do .. W4TA Do W40 A Do .. W4IG Miami Shores . W4AEQ Montgomery . W4AAQ Do. W4AHP Indian Rocks . Jacksonville . W4AEG Milton .. W4RK W4AIJ Do .. W4AHR Do ... W4AKH Naranja . W4NE Do- W4AJR Do .. W4AKL New Smyrna . W4OY ...
Päring W4IC saidilt
... W4IC Do ... W4CJ Do ... W4TA Do ... W40 A Do .. W4IG Miami Shores . W4AEQ Montgomery . W4AAQ Indian Rocks . W4AEG Milton .. W4RK Do ... W4AHP Jacksonville . W4AIJ Do. W4AHR Do .. W4AKH Naranja .. W4NE Do. W4AJR Do .. W4AKL New Smyrna ...
Päring W4IC saidilt
... W4IC , W42 : Tu sais que je t'en aime mieux . W46 - K : Tu sais que je t'en aimais mieux . W4IC - W48D , W52 - K : D'honneur aujourd'hui W41C - W48D , W52 - K : ces doux instants ! // w51 : Ce rare suisse W4IC , W42 : Le large 30 W4IC ...
Päring W4IC saidilt
... W4IC , W42A : Epître à Mme de Gondrin PF , TS61 ( a ) , W64R t.iii : Epître à Mme de * NM : A Mme de Gondrin . Epître de M. Arouet I W4IC , RP41 , W42A , PF , TS61 ( a ) , w64R t.iii : vous , belle douairière 5 NM : Certain esprit malin ...
Päring W4IC saidilt
... W4IC all is calm all all is bright 4 4 3 4 4 3 ii e e e G C C Round yon vi r gin mo ther and child 6 6 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 i F ieiie i C ee || | \\ \ \\ \ \\\ Ho ly in fant so ten der and mild 6 6 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 iieiieie e F C \ \\\ \\\ Sleep ...
Päring W4IC saidilt
... W4IC , REC41 , W42 , W64R : rempli mes souhaits 18 W38 : je dois 20 w38 , w41c , rec41 , W42 , W64R : rouvriraient pas pour 22 CONT , W4IC , REC41 , W42 , W64R : Je puis jouir 15 20 25 Je me flatte en secret qu'à mon dernier ouvrage Le.
Päring W4IC saidilt
... ( W.4.Ic ) . • Link opinion and reasons using words , phrases , and clauses ( e.g. , consequently , specifically ) ( W.5.1c ) . • Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussion with diverse partners on grade ( 4 , 5 ) topics ...
Päring W4IC saidilt
... W 4 = IC 1805 presented by AKABANE et al . ( 1967 ) . 1 unit = 0.35 ° K in T. 34m W4 - IC 1805 30m 26m 02h 22m RIGHT ASCENSION 1950 FIG . 6c . Space absorption in magnitude units within W 4 IC 1805 derived from Figures 6a and 6b using ...