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Päring Paffoni saidilt
... Paffoni A , Fedele L , Somigliana E. Reply : The impact of thyroid autoimmunity on IVF / ICSI outcome : Re- evaluation of the findings . Hum Reprod Update . 2016 ; 22 : 792 . 18. Busnelli A , Paffoni A , Fedele L , Somigliana E. The ...
Päring Paffoni saidilt
... Paffoni and colleagues. The researchers concluded: “The retrospective comparison be- tween the two vitrification protocols also showed a significant increase in clinical pregnancy rate and a reduced proportion of cancelled cycles using ...
Päring Paffoni saidilt
... Paffoni A , Fedele L , Somigliana E ( 2016 ) The impact of thyroid autoimmunity on IVF / ICSI outcome : a systematic review and meta - analysis . Hum Reprod Update 22 : 775–790 24. Busnelli A , Paffoni A , Fedele L , Somigliana E ...
Päring Paffoni saidilt
... Paffoni P , Re R , Zoppis E , Albano E , Bellomo G. Distribution of lipid - soluble antioxidants in lipoproteins from healthy subjects . II . Effects of in vivo supplementation with alpha - tocopherol . Pharmacol Res 2000 ; 41 ( 1 ) ...
Päring Paffoni saidilt
... Paffoni , C. , Gousailles , M. , Rogalla , F. and Gilles , P .: Aerated Biofilters for Nitrification and Effluent Polishing , Wat . Sci.Tech . ( IAWPRC Conf . UpgradingWWTP , Munich , Sept. 1989 ) ( 27 ) Rogalla , F. , Ravarini , P ...
Päring Paffoni saidilt
... PAFFONI B., et al., “Influence de la présence d'une couche d'argent sur le frottement d'un contact fonctionnant en régime de lubrification mixte”, Les progrès en tribologie, Nancy, France, 2003. [RIC 01] RICHE I., Etude du revêtement ...
Päring Paffoni saidilt
... Paffoni, A., Tettamanti, G., Montemurro, T., et al. (2009). Cell lines derived from human parthenogenetic embryos can display aberrant centriole distribution and altered expression levels of mitotic spindle check-point transcripts. Stem ...
Päring Paffoni saidilt
... Paffoni, B.: Pressure and film thickness in a trochoidal hydrostatic gear pump. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. G 217, 179–187 (2003). 17. Paffoni, B., Progri, R., Gras, R.: Teeth clearance effects upon ...
Päring Paffoni saidilt
... paffoni fotto terra , e quando anche fimil paffone mostraffe di voler piegare verfo l'vna , ò l'altra parte bastarebbe di tenere in terra vna , ò due cor- de con le quali fi potrebbe mantenere diritto quanto bifognafle . Terzo . Ma ...
Päring Paffoni saidilt
... Paffoni . Chiodi diuerfi per Paffoni ordinari lunghi duoi palmi in circa di pefo libr . due in circa as demo Chiodi di rinforzo lunghi quattro palmi in circa , di pefo quattro libre in circa . Da Catene lunghi vn palmo , e mezzo , di ...