Kas mõtlesite: Paffoni
Päring Paffion saidilt
... Paffion : To whom alfo he fhewed himself alive after his Paffion . To whom ; that is , to the Apoftles whom St. Luke had mentioned juft before . After he had given Commandment to the Apo- files , whom be bad chofen ; To whom alfo , & c ...
Päring Paffion saidilt
... paffion for fame is the first moving force , and perhaps the only , that prompts men to the execution of thofe heroic ac- tions , and gives birth to thofe grand ideas , which are the ' aftonishment and admiration of all ages . Paffions ...
Päring Paffion saidilt
... paffion . Paffion , when in fuch a degree as to roufe and kindle the mind , without throwing it out of the poffeffion of itself , is univerfally found to exalt all the human powers . It renders the mind infinitely more enlightened ...
Päring Paffion saidilt
... Paffion was to be feen a portion of an- other edition of the Munich Paffion already defcribed by F. X. Stoger . The type on the backs of the prints we had in our hands , though like in a general way to the type of Pfifter , was ...
Päring Paffion saidilt
... paffion . Paffion , when in fuch a degree as to roufe and kindle the mind , without throwing it out of the poffeffion of itself , is univerfally found to exalt all the human powers . It ren- ders the mind infinitely more enlightened ...
Päring Paffion saidilt
... paffion by his gefture . It is very ordinary , in the affembly , for one of a fudden to rife and make a difcourfe concerning his paf- fion in general , and defcribe the temper of his mind , in fuch a manner , as that the whole company ...
Päring Paffion saidilt
... paffions fleet to air . Every paffion fully strives To make itfelt in thet fair and admired . I am doubtful , left You break into fome merry paffion . In loving thou do'ft well , in paffion not ; Wherein true love confifts not . Cruel ...
Päring Paffion saidilt
... Paffion , be it what it will , The ruling Paffion conquers Reafon ftill . " But then ( continues he ) , as fenfelefs as this paffion appears , by the sway of its overbearing bias , it would be still more senseless had it no bias at all ...
Päring Paffion saidilt
... Paffion , and of the other Patience ; Paffion feemed to be much difcontent , but Patience was very Paffion quiet . Then Chriftian asked , What ill have is the reafon of the difcontent of Paffion ? The Interpreter answered The ...
Päring Paffion saidilt
... Paffions and Affections fubfervient to his Intereft , whereas a parafitical and badMinister confiders only the governing Paffion of his C Master , and in order to gain perfonal Favour applies himself folely to the Indulgence of that Paffion ...