... Hydrangea arborescens 'White Dome', especially when they sport a dusting of snow. As the snow recedes, narcissus and squill push through the mud beneath the shrubs. I learned from Fergus Garrett, renowned head gardener at Great Dixter ...
In A Way to Garden, Roach imparts decades of garden wisdom on seasonal gardening, ornamental plants, vegetable gardening, design, gardening for wildlife, organic practices, and much more.
... hydrangeas. When you select a hydrangea, it is important to know whether it blooms on old or new wood. The new-wood bloomers like hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' and 'White Dome' are very easy to grow in sun to part sun in Michigan ...
... hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia). Southeast US native. With large, oak-shaped leaves that turn burgundy in fall, large white ... arborescens). Midwest native. White fluffs of flowers bloom on tall stalks in midsummer in part shade. The ...
A Reappraisal Maurice Foster. Hydrangea arborescens and its subspecies are widespread in the eastern USA , stretching ... white rounded dome of only tiny , densely packed fertile flowers , of no great beauty . The three subspecies ...
... white; late April to early October; cultivars with signifi- cantly more attractive growth habits and larger inflores- cences and flowers to 12 in. (30 cm) across. FRUIT ... Hydrangea arborescens SMOOTH HYDRANGEA, WILD HYDRANGEA.