Sand Eel

Sand Eel

Observation - Sand Eel - UK and Ireland. Description: I withheld from posting because I could not separate it from the Greater (Hyperoplus lanceolatus) Se

I withheld from posting because I could not separate it from the Greater (Hyperoplus lanceolatus)
Moreover, the Greater (Hyperoplus lanceolatus) does NOT occur in Orkney (there are no records).
And yet Ammodytes marinus Raitt, 1934 (Lesser Sandeel) does not occur either - confused?.
Ammodytes tobianus (lesser Sandeel) is well recorded here
The pictures may not be good enough to be certain - hence a possible second (Family only) ID
The pictures were taken on a freezing day when I encountered this guy digging for edibles. These fish were quite deep in the wet sand and emerged along with a few clams and sea potatoes.
One of a series of detailed Observations with the same Six Figure Grid reference but correct to 1m or less (10cms x 10cms)
OS Grid References See
Project seen here
Part of my
PLEASE EXCUSE the occasional but continual editing, as I gradually add pictures and text to each post in the quest for excellence