#1 Painted Lady, Douglas Co ( Piedmont) 12 Oct 2012.JPG

Painted Lady 
Vanessa cardui

Painted Lady comes to Georgia from Mexico or the Southwestern U.S. as a immigrant. In some years, large numbers are seen and in other years few are seen. Migration-worn spring adults, which are rare and local, begin arriving in April and laying eggs. Adults seen before late June are migrants. Several broods are raised here from roughly June until fall. Sightings become more common from August through October when migrants head south and are seen nectaring in almost every county in boom years. The hostplants are thistles (Cirsium), nettles and myriad other species. The habitat is almost any open area. The species has no tolerance for cold and is not known to overwinter in most of the state, but there is one January record from Grady County on the Florida line where in some years the weather is very mild. Early Date: January 6 (Grady County: Late Date: November 2 (Terrell County). Conservation Status: Secure.


Georgia County Records

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