Felt Landscape Picture

Felt Landscape Picture

Today we have the second in a series of guest post from Forum member Tracey:

I approached a gallery recently to ask if they would be interested in stocking my felt cards.  I took along four cards, three flower and one cottage picture.  I was thrilled when they bought all four! I only have pictures of two of them:

When I was next in the gallery the owner said ‘ We like your little house, can you make a larger picture’, Oh yes I said, whilst inwardly thinking – PANIC!

So here is my attempt.  Firstly I laid out white Merino wool for the sky and added blended blues, white silk caps and blue and white silk throwsters waste.  I then started on the bottom sections laying out green Merino, I didn’t blend the colours but pulled them into sections of wool, as I wanted a rolling hill feeling.

In the  next picture, I guess you will be wondering why the grey thick band, well I am planning to build my first wall! I blended greys with a little charcoal colour and added little bits of white here and there.

I then continued to build the picture adding my little house, this was cut from prefelts.  Prefelt is the stage between soft wool fibres and fully fulled felt, you can make your own or it can be bought commercially. You can use it to cut shapes, lay it on your work and it will felt into your piece. A few trees and wool nepps (little wool balls) by the house, and as the hills had emerged into a dip shape, I couldn’t resist adding a bit of sunshine!

So here is my picture after felting.

Then it is time for a little FME (Free Motion Embroidery).  Some (not all) sewing machines allow you to do this. If you can drop the feed dogs (the little ‘teeth’ that guide the fabric) you will be able to do this.  In effect you are then ‘drawing’ using the needle on your machine, the needle is your pencil!  Because the feed dogs are dropped, it is then down to you to guide the fabric, whilst the needle is drawing. The skill to master is controlling the speed of the machine in conjunction with moving the fabric. I really enjoy it.  Initially I drew the stones in with a magic fabric marker to follow, but then I grew more confident and went freestyle!

For the rest of the picture, I didn’t want to define much of the ‘distance’ with FME, as I wanted it to look exactly that – distant.  I did a little on the tree trunks though.
I then concentrated more on my wall, needle felting some dark sections, especially where the stones had ended up quite a strange shape!, good how you can cover and change your mistakes…..

So here is the completed  piece. I added a few FME grasses and French knot flowers by the wall. Apologies to any dry stone wallers out there!

38 thoughts on “Felt Landscape Picture

  1. Wow Zed!!!! That is amazing !!! I really love your ‘paintings’ !
    Did you follow a class FME by Ruth??
    I like to try that too… need more time in a day…it is on my bucket list 😉

    1. Hi Jifke, Zed posted it but I made the picture, Tracey. Self taught FME, glad you like it.

    2. I wish it was mine Jifke! I’m still not sure how to attach my darning foot for FME! And I don’t have Tracey’s sense of perspective either 🙂

  2. really great. How large is the finished piece, and dare I ask the price the gallery will charge?

  3. Very kind Kathryn thank you! I think it measured about 17″ x 15″, that’s a guess. I don’t know what the gallery will charge for it, I named a price I would be happy to take if it sells. However, they put over 150% on my cards…..

  4. Thanks very much Judith! I hope you looked at the daises in enlarged format, nice and sparkly!

  5. Thank you for the excellent documentation on your construction techniques, and congratulations on your gallery invitation.

    On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 3:24 AM, feltingandfiberstudio wrote:

    > zedster66 posted: “Today we have the second in a series of guest post from > Forum member Tracey: I approached a gallery recently to ask if they would > be interested in stocking my felt cards. I took along four cards, three > flower and one cottage picture. I was thrilled w” >

    1. That is a really lovely comment Nancy, thank you so much! This is only my second blog ever, so I’m learning to take photos along the way!

  6. I love your picture! The wall with the flowers in front is perfect and I feel I want to climb over it to walk up the hill to see the cottage – wonderful!

    1. Thank you so much Lyn, very happy that you like it! If I’d known you had thoughts of climbing walls, I would have put a gate in……..!!

  7. Tracey, your cards and felt picture are wonderful. Thanks for doing the guest post, it’s appreciated. Your rock wall is wonderful. And your landscape is very inviting, I took a closer look and love the flower details in the foreground.

    1. That is very kind and much appreciated Ruth thank you. I really enjoyed making them all. I like creating things that have multiple stages, the felting, and then the fun part of adding detail.

  8. Tracey, this is beautiful! It is exactly how I learned to make felt “paintings” with free motion embroidery–trial and error and also learning some techniques from Moy McKay (her books). This is also my favorite subject for felt painting–mountains, rolling hills, or other natural landscapes, and a cozy cottage tucked in with a stone wall! You did a beautiful job with your first wall! I like your felted cards a lot–I keep making my works too big for a card.

    Do you ever frame your paintings? I really like the look when a felt painting is matted and framed, but it sure adds to the cost when trying to figure in a price. When I order mats and frames online, I always have to order plastic rather than glass (online framers won’t ship glass), but I’m never pleased with the glare. If I go to a local shop for framing with non-glare glass, it’s way more expensive. It’s a conundrum for me–frame it up nice and then have the thing cost a small fortune, or frame it up more economically to keep the price in check. I haven’t even sold any pieces yet… but I want to (I have an inventory started, but I haven’t got started with the selling bit because the pricing is very difficult for me to figure out).

    Thoughts on this would be appreciated. Thanks!

    1. Thank you so much for the really lovely comment, hugely appreciated! Sorry for the delay in replying.

      I really like making cards, especially if there’s a chance for a bit of machine embroidery on them to bling them up! The tip I can give you regarding making it to size is easy, just make a template. I made mine from the stuff I use for a resist – pond liner. So I cut the size of the aperture into the plastic, and just keep placing it on top and work within the space.

      I have framed pictures in the past to hang in my own house. I personally hate glass on felt, I think it stifles it, so I keep mine free. As regards the pic in the blog, the gallery was going to frame it for me, which is great on my pocket as you state. I think they may put it under glass but that is their choice of course. I can totally appreciate the dilemma of framing your own work, then pricing it accordingly, so largely because of this, as much as I enjoy paintings, it probably won’t be my way forward, unless I can settle with a gallery prepared to always do the framing of course!

      Having said all that, I have a large beach scene nearly completed ! So please have a look at that when I post it, it will be on the Forum, not here.

      Many thanks again!

  9. Congratulations Tracey on your gallery sale. Also, your bigger picture is terrific. I love the fme rocks. Wonderful job! I’m sure this is just the beginning of a profitable relationship.

    1. Thank you very much for the lovely positive encouragement Marilyn! Onwards and upwards hopefully!

    1. Ann thank you so very much for saying that about my proportion and perspective, thrilled to read that, really. I think I have a lot to learn regarding pricing…

    1. Thank you very much Nada, really kind of you, I enjoyed it very much.

  10. Lovely work, Tracey! I really like that wall, it’s got a lot of depth. And congrats on getting those cards sold! 🙂

    1. Thank you very much Leonor for the lovely comment! I was tempted to put some green moss on the wall but as there was a lot of green in the background, I thought my wall could be a new build…..!

    2. Thanks! A bit of moss next time then. I am working on a fence now, as you do….., posted a work in progress pic on the forum.

  11. Friends and I will be coming in late September to Ireland, would we be able to visit the feltmakers?

  12. Wow Tracey! I love your picture and that wall really makes it. After the initial panic I bet you’re pleased the gallery owner asked for a larger picture!

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