Syn.: Convallaria multiflora L.
Family: Convallariaceae Horaninow

Polygonatum multiflorum

Polygonatum multiflorum

Distribution: Eurasian species – it occurs from Northern Spain and the British Isles through Western and Central Europe to Southern Scandinavia, European part of Russia and the Balkan Peninsula, separately Caucasus, Asia Minor, and temperate Asia to Japan.

Ecology: Grows in shady woods and among bushes, usually on limestone, from lowlands to foothills.

Description: A perennial herb with a creeping rhizome, 30–80 cm high, the stem is an erect, arching at the top, the leaves are alternate, elliptic to ovate, up to 15 cm long and 7 cm wide, green, glabrous. The axillary flowers in clusters of 2 to 6, pendulous, corolla tubular, 1–2 cm long, greenish white, flowers from May to June. The fruit is a berry.

Note: Large quantities of the fruits are poisonous.

Polygonatum multiflorum

These images were taken in Czechia, Southern Moravia, Strabišov-Oulehla (May 2005).