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Burbot (Lota lota)

Fish of the Lota genus of the Lotidae family of the Gadiformes order of the Paracanthopterygii superorder.

(Burbot. Photo © Lubomir Hlasek. hlasek.com)

Burbot (Lota lota) was first described in 1758 by the Swedish naturalist Karl Linnaeus (1707-1778). It inhabits rivers, lakes, water reservoirs, gulfs with low salt content. The maximum recorded length is 152 cm; specimens up to 40 cm long are more common. The maximum weight is 34 kilograms. It feeds on crustaceans, mollusks, fish.

(Burbot. Photo © Lubomir Hlasek. hlasek.com)

It is the inhabitant of the Po basin (Italy), tributaries of the Danube River in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia and Croatia, Lake Bohinj and Lake Cerknica (Slovenia) and Lake Plav (Montenegro).

Names of Burbot (Lota lota) in other languages are as follows:

Михалца (Mihalca) (Bulgarian), Menyhal (Hungarian), Kwabaal (Dutch), Lota (Spanish), Bottarice (Italian), Quappe (German), Miętus pospolity (Polish), Lota-do-río (Portuguese), Mihalț (Romanian), Manić, Manjić (Croatian, Serbian), Menek (Slovenian), Tatlı su gelinciği (Turkish), Lotte de rivière (French), Mník jednovousý (Czech).